Dear little leaf,
you look worn and tired.
You're barely hanging there,
sulking under your own weight
clinging to that slender branch.
You've been tickled by the gentle breeze
and battered by the stormy winds.
People tread past you
without a care in the world.
Others try to reach you
to boast something of themselves.
Some pause for a moment
and find you worth remembering.
They reach into their pocket
and take a snapshot of your still beauty.
Seasons change.
They come
and go.
Some look up.
Some pass under.
But you're still there, aren't you?
You may be tired.
Tired of the rain pounding down on you,
of the frost leaving you numb and
jaded by what the world offers you.
But wait, wait a little longer.
You're going to blush again.
You're going to shed new colors soon.
And right when you feel like letting go,
the world will see your beauty again.
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."-Isaiah 43:18-19