I would stay up all night cooing over otters.
Seriously though, how could you see this picture and not?

"Clinging on: Just like a human baby, the whelp enjoyed suckling his mother's milk before eventually dropping off"
my favorite part:
'They were really sweet and after a while the mother got hungryand rolled her son into the water so she could dive for clams.'
hehe. This article made me miss my parents even more.
I miss falling asleep on my mom while watching tv together.
I miss being carried back home by my daddy after falling asleep in the car.
Sometimes I would pretend to be sleeping just so he would carry me in.
I miss that.
Goodnight, every one.
As I grow older, I'm learning more and more
that there's no better bed to fall asleep on
than the warm and secure embrace of a parent.
"Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you"
-Psalm 116:7