no more translations, no more classes, no more paper.
done done done. shocked & in disbelief.
Breakfast in the morning with the cool kids in Didot. Chuckling over morsels of fresh baguettes and tea every morning with a dollop of strawberry jam.
Waving good-bye to the lady at the front desk and a "bonne journée" to the janitor before pushing the button to exit the foyer.
Opening the squeaky hinge gate to the park next door and chatting for a few minutes with the little grandma who sits on the bench writing poems every morning...always so poised and put together with her manicured hands and bright red lipstick. Today she asked me about the DSK affair. Oy. hahaha.
Sticking my iPod in and humming along to some praise songs as I meander through the cobblestone streets and find my way to the Aleysia metro stop.
Picking up a copy of the "Direct Matin" and flipping through it as I sit in the metro.
Waving good-morning to my favorite "Turkish grandpa" who's busy prepping his kebab restaurant for the day.
Sitting at the desk translating documents and being a secretary, unless it's Wednesday when I get to hang out with the kiddies all day. My favorite. :)
Going to lunch at my favorite places: the "baby-foot" (foosball) cafe where I would get my panini or "house burger", take-out pasta place with the sweet Chinese lady, or grabbing a baguette and sitting in the park by the fountain
Packing up when the clock hits six and stopping by the Kebab place to chat with the Turkish grandpa who would always pour me a fresh glass of orange juice as we talk about our day. Sometimes we just talk about "surface stuff" while other days he gives me his take on technology and youth these days. Sometimes I jump in, but normally I just listen. And then it's an au revoir!
..but this time, it's really happening. Au revoir, la Schola Cantorum. You've been so good to me.