Wednesday, July 27, 2011


After hearing all about the intricate process that is Bible translation last summer, 26 dollars really seems like nothing. How many times has a book of the Bible, let alone a single verse, gotten me through a difficult period in my life? Oh, the thought of not being able to read or hear His word whenever I wanted in a language that I understood! I took it for granted for far too long. How spoiled am I.

I must remember the faces of the Wimbum men as they received the Word of God in Limbum. I must prayerfully await the return of this year's Cameroon team. Oh how much my heart ached to go back with the others when I visited the Wycliffe compound this past weekend. Oh how much I want to see the faces of the Ngome family as they open the care package, and oh how much I long to hold Lucy's new baby. Oh how my ears itch to hear the little children shout, "Kangssi"! Oh how much I long to praise with the jingweh tahtaps (strong women) of the village. Oh how much I want to chase little Billy-Brunzie through the dirt and toss a frisbee around with Noel.

Yet, by the grace of God, I will learn to be still. I will learn to pray for those God sent this summer and grow in the knowledge of a Father who is still much more than I know Him to be.

Daddy, it is truly by Your grace that my soul can rest in your goodness, in the Truth, every day. Please make this accessible to the millions, to the billions out there who are hungering for more. Give me the heart to share the Living Water with the thirsty in this dry and desolate land. Please be with Paul and Justin as they lead your workers out into the harvest. Flood Taku with Your mighty presence and renew their spirits. Bring them to yourself Daddy, for You are good.