It rained in Dallas today. A few months ago this would not have been a big deal, but after an entire summer without rain, I've never been so excited to see the dark clouds roll in yesterday or been so happy to hear the downpour that took me by surprise early this morning. After weeks yearning for even a SPRINKLE of rain, God sent buckets. It was as if the clogged faucet upstairs was finally fixed and months of stored water had just been hurled down from the sky. Sans umbrella, I ran out to the car as I wrinkled my face and grinned with glee, letting the water droplets hit my nose and freely roll down my cheeks. So refreshing today was. God is faithful. Just like in the days of Elijah, He answers prayers and waters the earth.
On that same note, I received news earlier this week of how God is continuing to water the plants across the globe, in beloved Cameroon. He is growing the seeds that He has sown there last summer. What a joy it was to hear about the team's safe return and to see my beautiful host family through the pictures that were posted. Oh my, how they have grown! Here's a little follow-up:
(L to R) Justin delivering my care package, Billy-Brunzie with what now appears
to be a full head of hair, Chelsea a few inches taller than the last time I saw him
2010. Here I am with my then-pregnant host mom Lucy
2011. Lucy today with her new baby Faith!!

2010. We planted non-native fruit seeds in Lucy's garden last summer
Though the team was a lot smaller this year, those who went were able to share with the Wimbum adults a recording of the Kande Story, a story that educates about HIV/AIDS. What an amazing opportunity. I still remember the cries and funeral songs coming from a home in the village last summer. Even within the two short weeks that I was there, I would come across a family mourning the death of a young mother who succumbed to the virus.The world is broken and hurting, but God is moving and working. I find hope in that tonight, and I will rest in that tomorrow. I praise You Lord, for the Go-ers, the Senders, and the Intercessors this year. When I see that healthy baby and that growing plant, I see nothing but Your faithfulness. And I thank You that you care for us even more than a few plant seeds.
"I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building." -1 Cor 3:6-9Goodnight, and happy Sunday :]