Oh Cabell love of four,
We all thought that we would be homesick for France and Scotland after spending last semester abroad. We still have our brief moments of nostalgia, but little did we know what an adventure God had in store for us here in Cabell 104. Yes, it feels like home here with you girls.
Four of us. Completely different. God has a sense of humor, that's for sure.
I mean, come on. We have one girl who loves cleaning and is slightly obsessed with the smell of bleach. We have another who has ten thousand jobs and leaves her shoes in every crevice of the apartment. Then there's the girl who lives and breathes Harry Potter, adding coloring pages to our walls. And of course little ole' me, always in those lambchop slippers and leaving post-it notes all over the house.
We run in and out here, but we all get giddy for our weekly apartment dinner dates. We pile onto the couch and watch an episode of Gilmore Girls, eating all of Steph's leftover kettle corn. We bake far more sweets than our stomachs can handle and fit way too many items into our bucket list. We get excited to rearrange furniture for our movie night guests. We encourage each other to eat, but then guilt each other into working out (mostly the former). We stress, we rant, but in the end, we remind each other that we are blessed. Because well, we are. And I am thankful. And that is why I am writing this.
Tonight? Steph is studying in Morton (or Mordor, as we like to call it now) while Margaret Ann and Jessica are painting outside my door, watching Winnie the Pooh next to our adorable Christmas tree. When she comes back, we'll celebrate. Just another day in Cabell 104. Let me just capture this moment now.
Laughter in the living room, jokes in the kitchen, crying sessions on the couches, story time in the bedrooms. One semester is over, but I'm eager to etch more memories into these old walls.
Thankful for what He's doing in this apartment--how He's humbling, stretching, and growing us.
Daddy, teach us to persistently encourage and challenge each other.
May this apartment be a welcome home to all...that it will be used for Your kingdom.
Four of us. Completely different. God is so good.
I love you ladies. Your gentle, humble, and joyful spirits. I am so honored to be here.
May this apartment be filled with the love of John 15:13