At first I prayed for some of these beautiful faces by name, but now it's hard to keep track, and I could already feel the names slip through my fingers. I become overwhelmed and anxious, but God graciously reminds me that He knew each child from the beginning of time, that He will never forget a single one, and that His Son is constantly interceding for them all. Wow, who do I think I am? It's incredible how attached I can get but how limited my human capacity to love is. Lord, only you. Only you.
So far this summer has been a whirlpool. I'm being sucked into so many things and at times I find myself breathless and exhausted. On the other hand, when I come out of one thing, I'm left thirsty for more. God, you're really giving me a chance to love until I run dry, but You always manage to fill me up again for the next adventure. Each time I feel so weak, helpless, and dependent on You, but somehow I know that this is exactly where You want me to be.
Take me, Mold me
Use me, Fill me
I give my life to the Potter's hands

Cameroon, Texas, Arizona, neighborhood. I find that kids have a knack for breaking your heart, warming it, then melting it again. Despite the hectic past couple of weeks, I noticed that God has been surrounding me with children...and lots of them. I miss them. The ones who didn't say much and those who could talk until their mouths run dry, those who eagerly followed my praise motions and those who glumly just stared, those who shared their big dreams with me and those who tugged at my braids, those who whispered silly jokes into my ear and those who quietly sat beside me as we enjoyed each other's company. I miss them already. God has been giving me a glimpse of His great love for little ones, whether they're Cameroonian, Korean, Spanish, or Navajo Indian. Yes, they can drive you crazy sometimes, but at the end of the day, when I see how quickly they can bring a smile to my own face, I can only imagine how much our Father prizes them, loves them, and cares for them. I'm thinking of you and praying for you, dear ones. And sadly when I fail you, there's a Father who never will....
"We love because He first loved us." -1 John 4:19
Thank you Daddy for taking me on this incredible journey and showing me how much I need You...for embracing me through these beautiful children and comforting my own heart. I praise you that your love is beyond words, beyond time...that though I may forget them, you never will. I pray that just as you're taking care of me, you continue to water these seeds so that they may grow into fruitful instruments of yours. Please protect them from the evils of this world and fill their lives with the everlasting JOY and hope that is only found in You.