"God never places us in any position in which we cannot grow. We may imagine that He does. We may fear we are so impeded by fretting petty cares that we are gaining nothing; but when we are not sending any branches upward, we may be sending roots downward. Perhaps in the time of our humiliation, when everything seems a failure, we are making the best kind of progress. Look on and look up. Lay hold on Christ with both your poor, empty hands. Let Him do with you what seems good to Him. Though He slay you, still trust in Him, and I dare in His name to promise you a sweeter, better life that you could have ever known, had He left you to drink of the full dangerous cups of unmingled prosperity."
-from "Thoughts Concerning the King" by Elizabeth Prentiss
I have been meeting frustration after frustration since arriving here this weekend, but it seems like there has been an undesirable but such a necessary lesson behind each one. He's prying my fingers from the things that I have held so dear...in things that I have been trusting in other than Himself. He's exposing the ugliness so deeply embedded inside of me and offering me a chance of renewal.
Lord I come to you. Let my heart be changed...renewed.
As Junior year officially begins tomorrow, I cannot help but sit here by the window and smile at His provisions. The amazing friends who have helped me move in and get settled despite the cost of serving an out-of-state-student friend have also inspired me to further stretch out my hands and receive this invitation that God continues to offer me. He has been providing for me at each "dead end" and has been leaving me in complete awe. May this semester be a year of growth. May this semester bring glory to You.