My brother and I finally pull into the parking lot of a local church. We are meeting the rest of the college group for the special missions service held there that evening. Exasperated by the scorching Texas heat, I frown when my brother forgoes the nice parking spot up front and starts driving toward the empty back rows to park. I turn to him and grumble at the prospect of having to walk the extra distance. My brother smiles and patiently replies, "Let's give the newcomers the good spots."
"The Church is the only society that exists for the benefit of those who are not its members"-William Templeton
Ironically, this point would be further emphasized in the sermon we were going to hear inside.
Was I humbled? Yes. I'm such an immature baby sometimes. My life as a Christian shouldn't begin the minute I enter the sanctuary. It starts in the parking lot...from my home, from the moment I wake up and should be the way I live and breath every day. How easily I forget this. Hot weather and a cranky mood certainly do not excuse how I live before God.
Brother, we may share the same sleeping habits and last name, but it's during moments like these when I realize that I'm still such a baby...when our 3-year