I like how every last Thursday of November brings out this innate desire in people, Christian or not, to slow down, enjoy company, and give thanks--to acknowledge that wow, we are so blessed. Yes, the looming excitement of black Friday shopping has been increasingly threatening the blessed moments of this holiday season (take for example the tent set up in front of
Whether someone attributes this all to Christ or not, there seems to be an undeniable comfort that comes from acknowledging that there's someone out there to thank for all this. Imagine if this were everyday here in the States, in the world...what a changed place we would see.
Lord, thank you for opening our eyes to see the wonders of your grace. May we learn to thank you like this every day. Please use us to reveal yourself to the world so that the source of these blessings will no longer be a mystery to them.
I thanked God a lot today, especially as I realized that this was my family's first Thanksgiving meal together, in one country, in one state, in one city, in what seemed like a really long time. I forgot how I much missed this. Thank you for bringing us safely together in one home again.

On that note, I also thank God for His word.
First His word in flesh, that is Jesus Christ.
And His word that I can read daily whenever I want.
I still have to remind myself that there are people in the world desperately waiting for the next chapter of the Bible to be translated into their language. I still have to remind myself that my Wimbum family still does not have a copy of the Old Testament that I have been enjoying tonight.
So on that last note, I also thank God for prayer.
For constant communication and a relationship with my Father.
The gift also given to little people like me to ask for big things from Him.
I began "The Prayer of Jabez for teens" by Bruce Wilkinson before cooking today and finished it after our delicious dinner tonight. Short read and jam-packed with such insight into a section of the Bible that I had obviously glossed over without much thought. I will comment on this tomorrow, but I highly recommend it. Simply put, I should not limit myself in prayer.
Thank you. 감사합니다. Merci. Beri weh.