"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly
than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us,
to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations,
forever and ever. Amen." -Ephesians 3: 20-21
The sermon at Hillsong Church in Paris was on this passage. My first Sunday there, I realized that I was a living testimony of what was being read. Once again, God has far exceeded all my expectations, hopes, and dreams. I was sitting there with a crowd of French and international students after months of prayer...not just my own but that of other beautiful people in my life who have been praying for accountability and spiritual growth for me here. Thank you.
This church is fairly large...someone told me after service that there are around 600 regular attendees and numerous "connect groups" (their version of small groups) that take place every week around the city. When the congregation got too large for the building, they moved into this bigger venue in the 14th arrondissement...about four months ago! It's literally a 12 min walk from my foyer, and I couldn't help but think that four months ago I was starting my applications for my program here. He is always ten steps ahead of me, and I praise Him for that. I praise Him for the people in Paris who are crazy in love with Him. I praise Him for the chance to sing "This is Our God" ("C'est Notre Dieu") in French and then to hear the French sister next to me sing it in English with a thick French accent-it was so beautiful! I praise Him for the precious time of fellowship over a cup of "noisette" (hazelnut coffee) and a fun game of Uno at a neighborhood café. I praise Him for the hope He has given me. Daddy, you are so good.
Ressuscité et élevé
A jamais Tu seras glorifié
Roi serviteur
Sauveur du monde
C'est notre Dieu