Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Frosty Feb

Il fait très froid ici.

It's so cold here, but I need to suck it up because I hear there's a snowstorm hitting the east coast right now (bundle up, my loves!). Two and a half weeks later, Paris is starting to feel like home. I mean, I still get giddy with excitement every time I step foot into a boulangerie and still take forever in line shuffling through my coins, but I don't have to look twice to find my way home anymore. As for my speaking ability, I'm not sure if I see much improvement, but I've grown very comfortable making mistakes out loud--so I guess that's a good thing? haha.

Several people told me that I was going to learn so much about myself while studying abroad. I had a vague idea of what this meant, but one thing is for sure: I'm definitely identifying my little "life" habits. Things like "pushing a door" when I should be "pulling" instead, reaching for the light switch inside the bathroom and going back out again, etc. Put yourself and your old habits in a new context, and you instantly come into conflict--you notice what you're used to and realize what you need to change in order to...well, survive.

Anyways, I'm a little tired so I present to you my "list" entry. I think it sums up my adaptation process here and aptly displays my desire to keep things simple at this late hour. EnJOy!

  • fresh baguettes
  • hot tea in the morning
  • Sunday worship in French at Hillsong
  • the acoustics in my room, which makes my violin very happy
  • falaffels at Chez Hanna:

    delicious falaffel special in Le Marais
  • the endearing "puh" sound my prof makes with his lips when fishing for the right words
  • homemade meals and reuniting with old friends :)

    Danice and her wonderful meal<3
  • skype dates with the fam and friends
  • little kids holding hands in the metro for elementary school field trips
  • coffee breaks with the other IFE students:

    just about ready to take our break
  • French newspapers
  • hearing old school American music being blasted down the hallway
  • beautiful, beautiful architecture

    Basilique du Sacre Cœur, Montmartre
  • spending time with the new Bible that my dear brother got me<3
  • journaling at night

Je n'aime pas:
  • the bitter slap-in-the-face, pricks your thighs, nose-running but unfeeling, kind of cold
  • playing sardines in the metro during morning rush hour
  • complete disregard of personal space due to the above
  • when the metro occasionally reeks of...who knows what :(
  • getting hit on by greasy French men
  • when puppies on the streets are dressed better than pedestrians
  • when "sale" prices are not really "sale prices"
  • French "r"s--currently working on this

"Oh dear" moments:
  • getting invited by a girl downstairs to her communist discussion on the situation in Tunisia
  • making a fool out of myself during my internship interview: I told the director that I play the violin while making a gesture like I was playing the piano...he was so confused and...I was extremely embarrassed-praise God though because I start later this month :]
  • joyously swiping my new metro pass...only to get rejected because it wasn't activated yet
  • turning and seeing a group of annoyed morning commuters behind me due to the above
  • ATM eating my bank card because I didn't withdraw it in time, but perhaps I needed a time out from my card anyways. haha. think positive!

Perhaps I'll add more later...

Until then, bisous bisous.

de tout mon cœur,
sleepy sojourner