After spending a day at a music school in an office right beneath an organ, I've been listening to classical music nonstop. As I bit into my baguette at breakfast this morning, I couldn't savor it like the other days because I was too busy shoving troubling thoughts to the back of my head. I eventually hopped off the train, walked a few blocks, and nervously stepped into La Schola a few minutes early. It's an old music school nestled behind a beautiful church in the 5th arrondissement, and I still have yet to explore all of it. I did not expect to be given much work the first day, but I was escorted into my own little office, which looks out into the school courtyard, and was promptly handed my first translation assignment: the application to the school...front and back...into English. Let's just say that I learned a lot of music vocab today.

frightened yet excited girl with her first assignment
Mm it felt good to be back...back to the musty smell of an old music conservatory surrounded by rows of dusty shelves filled with yellowing treasure troves of masterful pieces. There's an eerie, tranquil feel to the whole place that immediately put me at ease--it's also nice to be serenaded by stringed instruments in the afternoon. It reminded me of my own conservatory days when I would sit by the door fumbling through my etude books one last time before my professor would step out to usher me in for my lesson. Hm nostalgia hit hard today.
Yes, I just began the honeymoon stage of my internship, but I have a good feeling about this one. Thank you Lord. You were right. You always are. May I continue forth without complaining, but do everything with thankfulness and joy in my heart. All for you. Yes, even translating applications. Big or small, may I treat every task given to me as if it had been commissioned from above, from you, my big boss. Thank you daddy :)
To end my first day post, it looks like I can check something off my bucket list! I was walking back from my lunch break when I found a store literally called "maison de la bible" right around the corner! I hurried over right after my internship and chatted with the lady there who recommended me a good version to read--I finally chose: La Bible en français courant. It's just after the children's version in its level of difficulty, which's perfect for me! :)
happy me with my new find--and look, it's yellow! hehe.
And now for the second part...."long term: read it in its entirety in French."
Hey, an hour lunch break every day? Perhaps I should lay off the recent sugar cravings with something more wholesome to my body mind heart
....and my soul.
I yearn for the day when my heart too, will genuinely cry out:
"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" -Psalms 119:103