Sunday, July 22, 2012

Letter to Grandma

Dear halmuhnee,

The wrinkles on your face began to get deeper. When you laughed, they stayed and I wondered if they would ever leave. But you still laughed and smiled and told me to become the best person I could be so that I could make mom&dad happy. Every phone call ended  with the same request. 

Every trip to Korea meant time in the kitchen with you. On some days, you would mash hot potatoes and mix butter&sugar into it. Just the way I like it. Then you would ever so delicately shape them with the spoon and plop them on my plate. Mm you always knew the perfect ratio of sweet and savory. 

You would get up early in the morning to buy oppa's favorite pastry and heat up a bowl of his favorite soup to go with it--the creamy kind. You would senselessly buy me clothes and accessories...always to the excess. But secretly, I knew that I had a stylish grandma and was proud to flaunt it. You and your hat collection...silly and yet so admirable. I miss you.

Grandma, I celebrate you. It's mommy's birthday...your daughter's birthday, which means I thank you too.

You've given me the best gift in the world. I catch a glimpse of you every time umma smiles. Or when she smacks her lips a certain way. Or when she tells me to take a break...that it's good to rest. 

Halmuhnee, I know how much you love roses. I bet she thought of you a lot today. I wish I had been there to celebrate with her today as well because I'm feeling rather homesick. It must feel so good for you to be finally home. Your real  home. Eternity with Jesus.

Halmuhnee? Thank you for my precious mommy. I'm glad that she had one too. 

See you soon. Until then, I hope you enjoy being in God's presence, dancing with grandpa, and eating the best ice-cream in the world. 

With all my love,
your grateful granddaughter.