Though we are all doing very different things around the world this summer, I pray that we continue to pray for our students...that God is continuing His work there and that the seeds planted last summer are being watered. I can't believe that it has already been a year...
As I was flipping through the pages, one entry really caught my eye.
June 22, 2009.

Wow, I forgot about that.
"Maybe one day I could put my French to use and go for missions in African Francophone something to really pray about."
In French, I wrote "J'espère...un jour," meaning "I day." I had no idea at that time that "one day" would come just a year later.
I took a moment to reread it a few times. I was so struck by it. In this entry, I recounted the Sunday service at Renewal Presbyterian Church when Korean missionary Michael Oh came to speak. I was fortunate to hear him, dressed in a Japanese kimono, give another moving testimony at Urbana this past December.
So here I am, all packed and ready to go to Cameroon, a Francophone country located in western Africa. It's something that God obviously had in store for me before I even began contacting the Wycliffe representative from Urbana, before I even decided to attend Urbana this winter, before I even entered the church in Dallas that encouraged the trip, before my family even stepped foot into this church in Dallas, before my family moved to Dallas.
God, it's starting to all fit together. These strange little puzzle pieces that you created in my's starting to make more sense. Thank you for being in total control.
So, here I go.
If you would like to keep up with the trip and pray with me, you can find me here:
I'll be back late June 23rd. See you in a month! God is so good :)