My plan: quick baking, coloring and doing homework, a walk outside to feed the ducks, and possibly a movie to fill in some extra down time
Their plan: making little hearts out of the cookie dough and thereby prolong the baking process, coloring instead of doing homework, a walk outside to get chased by ducks, digging into the dirt hunting for worms (really? HAHA), and watching
haha oy.
I must admit though, growing up as the youngest, I love being able to play the older sister role once in a while :) Babysitting is something I inherently enjoy, especially when it involves birds and baking!
lesson 1 on birds
Ducks here are sweet, but the geese can be ferocious. I got mad at the momma goose today. She ran over hissing at me when we got near her family. It seems like when we feed them from afar, they make their way over and eat everything in sight, including crumbs intended for the poor turtles. However, when we come near them, they get angry. Strangely enough, it reminded me of my relationship with God sometimes. When He seems to throw me good, "tasty" things in my life, I joyously come near, yet when He beckons to draw near me, I back away and even respond in a testy way, like that momma goose. I'm sorry God. :(

meet the duck family

baby geese and parents

beautiful sunset over the lake
How wonderful it is to have a Father who still draws near despite my selfish, childish ways. Like Him, I'm going to continue to go visit those birdies with my little bag of cheerios and hotdog buns. So momma goose, see you soon. I'm going to pursue you until you like me! heehee :)
lesson 2 on baking (in regards to oatmeal choc. chunk cookies)
not sweet enough? add more vanilla extract to the mixture :]
too doughy and not enough crunch? add more oats and less flour
still something missing? down it with a glass of milk. heehee.
lesson 3 on babysitting
who says it's a chore?

Besides, baking's more fun with such cute company :]