Sunday, May 9, 2010

merci ma mère

"You remind me of your mom"

"You look just like your mom"

"You and your mom are the same person"

You can flatter me with words, but to me, the best compliment is when someone reminds me that I'm the daughter of this amazing woman right here.

Meet my mom. Her heart is ten times bigger than her smile, and her laughter will make your spirit soar. She's the type of person who takes her phone into the bathroom so she wouldn't miss our calls, who wakes up in the wee hours of the morning to make egg rolls for "the people that go unnoticed" in her life like the desk lady at work or a struggling coworker, who leaves breadcrumbs on our porch for the hungry birds, who mails me turtle food to feed the little family on campus, who reminds me every day that I am a precious daughter of God...I miss her.

Happy Mother's Day, mommy.
Umma, I pray that one day I will make my child as happy as you make me. Thank you so much.
God, thank you for showing us another glimpse of your love through beautiful moms all over the world.